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Spiritual awakening is often described as the discovery of a boundless inner freedom. But what does spiritual freedom really mean and what are we actually becoming free from? Is it possible to reach some kind of final endpoint where we are completely free from...
At the heart of spiritual awakening is the recognition that life is deeply and fundamentally good. Despite all of the difficult and bad things that we face in our lives and the world at large, the essence of reality is deeply sacred, beautiful, and positive. But how...
One of the most common challenges we face when we meditate is our tendency to get distracted and lose focus. As we do the practice, we often get caught up with the thoughts that arise in our heads. We fixate on certain ideas or try to work out problems. And sooner or...
Craig Hamilton is a spiritual trailblazer whose innovative approach to transformation is bringing enlightenment down to earth and unlocking the codes to our highest human potential.
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If you’re on a spiritual path, you may have noticed that the dawning of a new year often brings with it a puzzling paradox. On one hand, many of us feel called to use the energy and focus of the new year as an opportunity to recommit to our goals and aspirations, or...
Genuine spiritual awakening has always been the pinnacle of human aspiration. If you’ve had even a glimpse of this profound spiritual potential, you know that an extraordinary, enlightened life is possible–a life filled with meaning and purpose, in which you have...
Spiritual awakening is often described as the discovery of a boundless inner freedom. But what does spiritual freedom really mean and what are we actually becoming free from? Is it possible to reach some kind of final endpoint where we are completely free from...
At the heart of spiritual awakening is the recognition that life is deeply and fundamentally good. Despite all of the difficult and bad things that we face in our lives and the world at large, the essence of reality is deeply sacred, beautiful, and positive. But how...
For many of us on the spiritual path, the experience of physical illness or chronic pain presents one of the greatest challenges to our equanimity and presence. When we’re feeling healthy and vital, we may find that our meditation practice enables us to stay centered,...
Spiritual awakening reveals to us a stainless, unbroken perfection at the heart of reality. Always arresting in its purity, the discovery of this perfect essence shatters our insistence that something is missing and brings us to our knees in awe and reverence before...