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Activating the Energy of Awakening: The Miraculous Power of an Undivided Heart

by | Dec 27, 2022 | 2 comments

If you’re on a spiritual path, you may have noticed that the dawning of a new year often brings with it a puzzling paradox.

On one hand, many of us feel called to use the energy and focus of the new year as an opportunity to recommit to our goals and aspirations, or set new intentions for life changes we want to make in the year ahead. This approach is backed up by social science research, which has consistently found that making new year’s resolutions is a powerful way to kickstart any positive behavior change. 

On the other hand, if we really tune in to what our hearts are longing for on the deepest spiritual level, it often feels like our soul’s true aspirations lie in a realm beyond the reach of even the most earnest of resolutions.

What would it mean to “resolve” to spiritually awaken this year? Or even in the next decade? Is genuine spiritual awakening something we can simply intend or resolve to make happen? Or is it fundamentally a mysterious movement of Grace or serendipity, something we can wish for, and practice for, but which ultimately lies beyond our control?

In this audio workshop, I share everything I’ve learned about what works (and what doesn’t work) when it comes to intention-setting on the spiritual path. Then, I guide you through a process of setting a powerful spiritual intention that will anchor your meditation practice and your entire life in the openness of an undivided heart and the mysterious energy of awakening itself.


Want to download the mp3 version? Click here.




Meditation was invented when humans still believed the world was flat. Is it time for an update to this ancient practice? In this free 90-minute workshop, you’ll experience a revolutionary new meditation process that gives you direct access to awakened consciousness.

Share Your Thoughts…


  1. Micki

    Thank you so much Craig! I so appreciate the honesty and clarity that you share from! This was so helpful and I plan to review throughout the year as a reminder to stay committed to awakening!

  2. Mahendra

    Dear Craig
    Thank you very much for this profound guidance/Teaching. With Tears of Joy, my heart is in deep gratitude, and with undivided Aspiration I am reading in the Mystery of Divine! Your words deeply touched my whole being and gave me unwavering energy, courage, and clarity to give myself fully to Awakening for this year and forever!


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Craig Hamilton is a spiritual trailblazer whose innovative approach to transformation is bringing enlightenment down to earth and unlocking the codes to our highest human potential.



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