One of the most common challenges we face when we meditate is our tendency to get distracted and lose focus. As we do the practice, we often get caught up with the thoughts that arise in our heads. We fixate on certain ideas or try to work out problems. And sooner or later, we find that we’ve gotten on board a particular train of thought and are now more focused on our minds than on the meditation itself. In this 15-minute guided meditation, Craig walks you through a simple practice of relinquishing your fixation on the mind so that the easeful awakeness that is your natural state can come to the foreground of your attention.
Below the audio is a downloadable MP3, if you’d prefer to engage the content in that way.
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Meditation was invented when humans still believed the world was flat. Is it time for an update to this ancient practice? In this free 90-minute workshop, you’ll experience a revolutionary new meditation process that gives you direct access to awakened consciousness.