Spiritual Survival Skills for a World in Chaos: Access the Strength, Wisdom, and Equanimity to Meet the Challenges of Our Moment WATCH NOW

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Episode 33 Direct Awakening: Four Meditations to Illuminate the Way

Episode 33 Direct Awakening: Four Meditations to Illuminate the Way

In this episode Craig shares a 25-minute guided meditation designed to help you step directly into awakened awareness. Rather than just observing thoughts or trying to quiet the mind, you’ll explore four direct awakening practices—subtle but powerful inner shifts that open the door to deeper consciousness.

Episode 30 The Power of Not Knowing: Awakening Beyond Certainty

Episode 30 The Power of Not Knowing: Awakening Beyond Certainty

We’ve all heard it said that spiritual awakening requires us to leap into the unknown—to go beyond the mind and discover who we are beyond our familiar reference points. But what does this really mean? In this episode, Craig explores one of the most subtle but persistent traps we face on the spiritual path: our deep need for certainty.

Episode 28 Obstacles to Awakening – Part Two: The Mind

Episode 28 Obstacles to Awakening – Part Two: The Mind

This episode is the second in our series exploring the most common obstacles to deep meditation–and how we can move beyond them. Craig focuses on what may be the biggest challenge for meditators—our busy, restless minds.

Episode 27 Natural Meditation: Being Yourself Without Effort

Episode 27 Natural Meditation: Being Yourself Without Effort

Spiritual teachings often describe the goal of the path as entering into a “natural state”—a way of being that’s utterly easeful, uncontrived, and completely genuine. This natural state allows us to simply be ourselves, without effort, flowing with life as it unfolds.

Episode 24 Obstacles to Awakening – Part One: The Ego

Episode 24 Obstacles to Awakening – Part One: The Ego

This is the first episode in our “Obstacles to Awakening” series, where we explore the most common challenges to deep meditation and how to overcome them. Craig begins by diving into what many view as the greatest barrier on the spiritual path—the human ego.

Episode 22 Spiritual Freedom: Discovering Unconditional Happiness

Episode 22 Spiritual Freedom: Discovering Unconditional Happiness

Imagine being so deeply aligned with the fundamental “Yes” at the heart of life that nothing could overshadow your profound sense of well-being. This radical possibility, which Craig refers to as “unconditional happiness,” is the essence of true spiritual freedom. In this episode, he explores this concept, showing how meditation can help us move beyond the fleeting highs and lows of conditional happiness into a stable awareness of the inherent goodness of life itself.


Meditation was invented when humans still believed the world was flat. Is it time for an update to this ancient practice? In this free 90-minute workshop, you’ll experience a revolutionary new meditation process that gives you direct access to awakened consciousness.


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