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An Unshakable Trust in Life: How to Let Go in Meditation

by | Mar 12, 2021 | 2 comments

Many of us come to meditation to help us relax and deal with the stress in our lives. But as we evolve in the practice, we begin to discover that the goal of meditation is less about physical relaxation and more about existential relaxation. As we begin to experience and align with the deeper dimensions of consciousness and awareness, our superficial stress and anxiety naturally drops away and we begin to experience a fundamental trust in life itself. In this video, Craig guides an experiential journey into the heart of this foundational trust in life and how it can be accessed through meditation practice.

Below the audio is a downloadable MP3, if you’d prefer to engage the content in that way.

Want to download the mp3 version? Click here.



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Share Your Thoughts…


  1. Anne Brunelli

    Yes. I agree that there is a fundamental resting state , inherent in the awareness that there is a benevolent, universal and eternal collective consciousness, which embraces and supports every being in existence. And when you realize that there is really nothing to fear in life, you can let go of the existential angst, and relax in to that slightly off balance place of trust and risk. It is an energized state, and an ecstatic one, in that it is connected to source, but it is also the ultimate state of letting go. Relaxed, and completely alive, at once, right? Brilliant!

  2. David

    Very true we are living in a world we’re Humility and greed as duplicated our being with our human existence substantially the governance of reality and the depletion of resource without regeneration for the global condition and the equality of our planetarium friends and the environmental structures are dispelled


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Craig Hamilton is a spiritual trailblazer whose innovative approach to transformation is bringing enlightenment down to earth and unlocking the codes to our highest human potential.



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