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When any of us dedicate ourselves in earnest to a spiritual practice, it eventually begins to bear fruit in our everyday lives. We begin to notice that we have more space around our thoughts and emotions. We gain more frequent access to higher states and...
We all strive to be open-minded. Throughout our lives, most of us have experienced the benefits of suspending our rigidly held beliefs and letting go of our certainties in order to make room for what we don’t already know. This all-important ability is the foundation...
When we hear the term “spiritual practice,” most of us think of a technique that is performed repeatedly over a long period of time in order to prepare ourselves to eventually experience a spiritual breakthrough or achieve some future enlightened state. But what if...
Craig Hamilton is a spiritual trailblazer whose innovative approach to transformation is bringing enlightenment down to earth and unlocking the codes to our highest human potential.
Subscribe to Craig’s weekly Awakened Life Newsletter to receive his latest inspirational teachings and guided meditations.
Spiritual teachings often seem to ask us to detach from our feelings in order to remain centered and free from reactivity. But, in our lived experience, emotions are an important part of how we navigate the world. Can we awaken spiritually without losing touch with...
When we sit down to meditate, most of us make a conscious effort to let go of all of our worldly concerns in order to bring our attention to a deeper stillness, focus and presence. And spiritual teachings east and west often call us to transcend our attachments to the...
When any of us dedicate ourselves in earnest to a spiritual practice, it eventually begins to bear fruit in our everyday lives. We begin to notice that we have more space around our thoughts and emotions. We gain more frequent access to higher states and...
We all strive to be open-minded. Throughout our lives, most of us have experienced the benefits of suspending our rigidly held beliefs and letting go of our certainties in order to make room for what we don’t already know. This all-important ability is the foundation...
When we hear the term “spiritual practice,” most of us think of a technique that is performed repeatedly over a long period of time in order to prepare ourselves to eventually experience a spiritual breakthrough or achieve some future enlightened state. But what if...
Most meditators, from beginners to experts, are probably familiar with the “inner narrator.” It’s that voice that seems to be an almost constant companion during our practice, commentating on our experience. So what is that voice in our heads? Is it the voice of the...
During meditation, it’s common to experience sensations of anxiety or tension that arise seemingly out of nowhere. Since most of us associate meditation with being calm and relaxed, it’s natural to assume that these uncomfortable feelings mean we’re doing something...